Daily Hardwood Care
Hardwood care and maintenance are relatively simple. By establishing a routine for your hardwood flooring, you can help ensure that it looks great for years to come.
Sweeping your hardwood flooring is essential to prolonging its lifespan and ensuring its daily beauty. Dirt, dust, and other debris left on the surface can lead to premature aging, scratches, and a grungy appearance. Sweep as often as the foot traffic in the room(s) necessitates.
You can also wet mop your hardwood flooring for a deeper clean. However, do not use too much water, as it could warp the hardwood.
Debris & spills
For solid messes on your hardwood flooring, use a broom to sweep up the mess immediately after it occurs. The longer you wait to address the mess, the more likely it is to cause lingering damage to your hardwood flooring. On the whole, solid messes on your hardwood are not a major issue so long as you act fast when they take place.
Liquid messes on hardwood flooring should be wiped up with a cloth immediately. It's that simple. Contact Country Carpet & Furniture for any hardwood care and maintenance concerns.